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The projects are assignments I have completed in my photography classes at Hofstra University.  Each projects has a specific set of guidelines, whether those are concepts, shooting restrictions, or specific styles.  Each set has already been submitted for class and critiqued by my fellow classmates.  These projects consistently challenge me as a photographer and force me to continue pushing myself by having me shoot things that may be out of my comfort zone.  There are also other projects here that I have done on my own time, but feel they should be see as a collection.  I hope you enjoy.


This set of photos works to display the passions and interests of different people during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Despite being quarantined, these people still find a way to pursue the things they love, from sports to art to dance.  The future is uncertain, but hopefully the continuation of these interests help on the road back to normality. 


Album covers are a platform that many artists use to give an immediate idea of what their music is about.  Some are beautifully simplistic while others are stunningly intricate.  The colors of these albums are absolutely gorgeous, and I wanted to really emphasize that.  Each of these photos captures 1 of the 6 colors of the rainbows using the setting, outfit and, of course, an ablum cover. 

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In the world today, a lot of issues are constantly debated and fought over.  Everyone feels passionately on certain topics that have an effect on their lives.  In recent history, the younger generation has become more and more vocal when it comes to social justice issues that they believe need to change.  In times like this, it is important to listen to those demanding change and hear their stories. 

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